Susan C. Anthony

Fun with Facts

What sparks your students' interest may not be what's next in the curriculum. Learn to make the most of those special "teachable moments" using student almanacs and everyday reference resources. Organize the classroom to help kids integrate new learning into what they already know. Use games, puzzles, time lines, maps and passports to encourage independent learning, build confidence through early success and help children formulate a framework of knowledge that will serve them throughout life.

I got more out of this class that I actually used than from any other class I've ever taken. The kids were so excited about the activities I could hardly keep up with them.
—Kim B., teacher

Before watching the workshop, you might want to print a copy of the handout.  The video is one hour and eight minutes long, and its intended audience is anyone teaching elementary and middle-school aged children. To download the free mp3 audio to your iPod or iPhone, click the appropriate link to the right (under the photo).

Go on to the Spelling for Success workshop
Source:, ©Susan C. Anthony