Susan C. Anthony

Multiplication Facts in Five Minutes a Day

Memorizing multiplication facts is not only challenging, but success-oriented and fun with this five-minutes-a-day system. Students work through a series of daily timed tests at their own rate, beginning with 0-1, 2, 3, 0-3, etc., mastering each one before proceeding to the next. Math whiz kids are constantly challenged, while students having difficulty are given the time they need to master and overlearn the facts. Besides worksheets and answer keys, this booklet has personal flash card masters, forms for folders and record-keeping, review and challenge masters, and additional games and activities.

What I like best about Multiplication Facts in Five Minutes a Day is that the kids do it independently and it works. I appreciate the extras, the review masters and challenge masters. I really feel I got my money's worth.
—Amy G., home school mom

Because this book has masters for addition, subtraction, and division, it may be the only book you need to teach and reinforce all the facts. If your students need a more step-by-step approach, you can later order individual addition, subtraction and division books.

To see how I used this book and find other ideas for teaching math, see the Marvelous Math workshop.

120 pages, paperback
8.5 x 11, reproducible
ISBN 1-879478-22-6
Item 072, $13.95

Go on to Division Facts in Five Minutes a Day
Source:, ©Susan C. Anthony