Susan C. Anthony

The Bears Three and Locks Goldie

Note: I used this "silly story" to illustrate the importance of word order in the English language. In some languages, verbs are conjugated and nouns are declined so that words can be in any of several orders in a sentence and will mean the same thing. That is not the case in English. The order of words is very important for conveying meaning in English.

Time upon a once there were bears three who lived together in woods some. One of them was Bear Big, one of them was Bear Middle-Sized, and one of them was Bear Little.

They each had a porridge for their bowl. A bowl big for Bear Big, a bowl middle-sized for Bear Middle-Sized, and a bowl little for Bear Little.

The each had a sit to chair in. A chair big for Bear Big, a chair middle-sized for Bear Middle-Sized, and a chair little for Bear Little.

They each had a sleep to bed in. A bed big for Bear Big, a bed middle-sized for Bear Middle-Sized, a bed little for Bear Little.

Day one, when they had breakfast their made into porridge, and bowls into it their poured, the woods out into the walked while their cooling was porridge.

And walking they were while a girl little, Locks Goldie named, house to the came and door on the knocked. Then she window in the looked, and keyhole in the peeked, and seeing house in the nobody, she in went and saw the table on the porridge.

First she porridge the tasted of Bear Big, but it was hot too her for. Then she porridge the tasted of Bear Middle-Sized, but it was cold too her for. Finally she porridge the tasted of Bear Little, which was neither hot too her for nor cold too her for but right just. And she up it all ate.

Then Locks Goldie down sat in the chair of Bear Big, but it was hard too her for. So she down sat in the chair of Bear Middle-Sized, but it was soft too her for. Finally she down sat in the chair of Bear Little, which was neither hard to her for nor soft too her for, but right just, only the bottom she broke out of it.

Then Locks Goldie upstairs went, and lay down on the bed of Bear Big, but it was hard too her for. So she lay down in the bed of Bear Middle-Sized, but it was soft too her for. Finally she lay down in the bed of Bear Little, which was neither hard too her for nor soft too her for, but right just, and fell she asleep fast.

And sleeping she was while the Bears Three home returned.

"Porridge has been eating my somebody!" said Bear Big.

"Porridge has been eating my somebody!" said Bear Middle-Sized.

"Porridge has been eating my somebody," said Bear Little, "and has up it all eaten!"

"Chair has been sitting in my somebody!" said Bear Big.

"Chair has been sitting in my somebody!" said Bear Middle-Sized.

"Chair has been sitting in my somebody," said Bear Little, "and has bottom the broke out of it."

Then the Bears Three upstairs went. First Bear Big, then Bear Middle-Sized, and least but not last, Bear Little.

"Bed has been sleeping in my somebody!" said Bear Big.

"Bed has been sleeping in my somebody!" said Bear Middle-Sized.

"Bed has been sleeping in my somebody," said Bear Little, "and she here is!"

Then Locks Goldie bed out of jumped and out jumped the window and home away ran as could as she fast to Mother.

End The

Go on to Rindercella and the Prandsome Hince
Source:, ©Susan C. Anthony