Susan C. Anthony

Beginning Guitar Worship Songs

Beginning Guitar Worship Songs PDF booklet (public domain songs).  This takes a while to download on my computer.
Related resource: Beginning Guitar Folk Songs

The word "worship" comes from the same root as "worth" and "worthy." One definition of "worth" is the level at which someone or something deserves to be valued or rated. "Worthy" means "deserving effort, attention or respect."

Worship involves adoration or respect for the God we deem to be worthy of all we are and have. Viewed from this perspective, worship through song has little to do with the technical proficiency of a musician and everything to do with the heart attitude of the worshiper. God doesn't hear notes so much as He hears hearts! (1 Samuel 16:7)

Years ago, I wrote Beginning Guitar: Folk Songs to teach my elementary students how to play guitar well enough to accompany themselves while singing. I started with one-finger chords, then added a few more simple chords, one at a time. My goal was to ensure kids experienced early success, whether or not they followed through to become proficient guitarists. To my delight, many kids who started out with this approach went on to become outstanding guitarists, much better than me! 

This list includes 90 worship songs that can be played by beginning guitarists, even young children. As time allows, I plan to record the songs so beginners can learn by playing along and can hear the tunes if they don't know them. Many of these tunes are widely known.

Whether you want to institute worship in your home, teach your kids to play guitar, or spice up a Sunday school class with music, this book can help. I would appreciate any comments on your experience with these materials. I took time to put this together because of the wonderful response I got for Beginning Guitar: Folk Songs.

I compiled public domain hymns and songs into a booklet, but ran into problems and delays trying to secure permission from copyright holders of more modern songs. I finally gave up. Italicized songs are copyrighted, so words and chords are not published on this site. They can be played with just the simple chords indicated, but you'll have to find the words and figure out where the chords belong. If there is a listed song you really want kids to learn, e-mail me and I'll be happy to assist as best I can.

When time allows, I plan to make and post mp3 recordings of these songs so learners can listen and play along for practice.

Songs with C and G7

Songs with G, C, D7

Songs with G, C, D

Songs with G, C, D, D7

  • Turn, Turn, Turn by Pete Seeger
  • I Love You, Lord, by Laurie Klein
  • Seek Ye First

Songs with G, D, A

  • More Precious than Silver, by Lynn DeShazo
  • I Will Enter His Gates, by Brian Houston
  • Be My Guide, by Brian Thiessen

Songs with G, C, D7, D, A, A7

Songs with Minor Chords

  • America, America round (Dm, C)
  • Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (G, C, D, Em, D7)
  • Blessed Assurance (G, C, Em, A7, D, Am, D7)
  • The Song of Moses (G, C, D, Em, Am)
  • Humble Thyself, by Al Denson (Am, G)
  • Lord Are They Increased, by Byron Cage (Em, Am, C, D)
  • Glorify Your Name, by Crystal Lewis (G, C, D7, Em)
  • In His Time (G, C, D7, Em)
  • We Are One in the Spirit, by Peter Scholte (Em, Am)
  • Step by Step, by Rich Mullins (G, C, D, Em, Am)
  • Awesome God, by Rich Mullins (Em, G, C)
  • Those Who Trust in the Lord (Em, D, C)
  • Jesus, Name Above All Names, by Naida Hearn (C, Am, Dm G)
  • I'm Forever Grateful, by Mark Altrogge (G, C, D, Em, A7, Am)
  • Shine, Jesus, Shine (G, C, D, D7, Em, Am)
  • Thou Art Worthy (G, C, D, D7, G7, Am7, Em
  • Great is Thy Faithfulness (G, D, C, D7, E, Am)

Go on to the Bible Book of Lists
Source:, ©Susan C. Anthony