Susan C. Anthony

Introductory French for Kids

As a 6th grade teacher, I wanted to encourage students to enroll in a foreign language elective in junior or senior high school.  The lessons in the attached PDF booklet contain very short dialogs and limited but useful vocabulary intended for just such a brief introduction. I drafted it while in Africa, studying French myself.

If you find this booklet useful, I'd appreciate your letting me know. Feedback encourages me to invest the time necessary to offer more resources. I've considered having a French friend of mine record these lessons so students can hear and imitate excellent pronunciation. That would take some of my friend's time. If not many people would benefit, it's not worth troubling her.

The same short lessons could be translated if a language other than French is being taught. I've considered preparing booklets with different languages myself, but it would be helpful to know someone out there would actually use it so I know I'm not wasting precious time doing the work.

Introductory French for Kids PDF booklet

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Source:, ©Susan C. Anthony