Susan C. Anthony

Timeline for Our World Trip

  • March 16, 1987. Decided to spend an entire year traveling.
  • June 20 - 26, 1987. Southeastern Alaska. Whitehorse, Skagway, Chilkoot Trail, Glacier Bay.
  • July 2 - 5, 1987. Alaska. Nome, Shishmaref.
  • July 10 - 15, 1987. Canada. Flew via Whitehorse, Watson Lake, the "trench", and Kamloops. Entered U.S. at Oroville, Washington.
  • July 15 - 17, 1987. Idaho. Coeur d'Alene, Sun Valley visiting friends.
  • July 18 - 31, 1987. Colorado. Fort Collins, Denver with family, Walsenburg with Susan's dad.
  • August 1 - 4, 1987. Wisconsin. Oshkosh Airshow.
  • August 5 - 10, 1987. Northern Minnesota. Crane Lake, Boundary Waters, North Shore of Lake Superior.
  • August 11 - September 1, 1987. Minnesota. Visited with Dennis' family and friends in Big Lake and Minneapolis.
  • September 2, 1987. Flew to the Netherlands on a Martinair Charter ($229 each). Bought an Austin Allegro station wagon, right-hand drive, for only $250.
  • September 3 - 12, 1987. The Netherlands. Amsterdam, Hoge Veluwe National Park, Rotterdam, the Hague, Afsluitdijk, Friesland.
  • September 13 - 17, 1987. Germany. Hamburg, Hanover, West Berlin, East Berlin, Harz Mountains, Rotenburg, Wurzburg, Rothenburg-ob-der-Tauber, Dachau Concentration Camp, Garmish-Partenkirchen and Fussen in the Bavarian Alps, Lindau on the Bodensee, Black Forest, up the Rhine River to Bonn.
  • September 27 - October 2, 1987. Belgium. Brussels for some African visas, Waterloo, Bruges.
  • October 2 - November 5, 1987. Great Britain. Warwick, Edinburgh, Hadrian's Wall, Caernarfon and Llechweld Slate Caverns in North Wales, Bloxham to visit an old friend, Bath, Devon, Exmoor National Park, Cornwall to Land's End, Plymouth, Stonehenge, London.
  • November 6 - 8, 1987. France. Began overland trip with Exodus Expeditions from London to Nairobi, Kenya. Drove through France quickly.
  • November 9 - 13, 1987. Spain. Alhambra Castle in Granada, Costa del Sol.
  • November 14, 1987. Gibraltar. Bought French language tapes.
  • November 15 - 25, 1987. Morocco. Rabat, Marrakech, hike to a Berber village in the High Atlas Mountains, Fez.
  • November 25 - December 12, 1987. Algeria. Algiers, Ghardia, El Golea, camel ride and Landrover excursion to the Hogar Mountains from Tamanrasset.
  • December 12 - 18, 1987. Niger. Arlit, Agadez, Zinder.
  • December 18 - 26, 1987. Nigeria. Kano, Yankari Game Park and Wikki Warm Springs, Jos for Christmas.
  • December 26, 1987 - January 6, 1988. Cameroon. Limbi and Six-Mile Beach, Douala, Yaounde.
  • January 6 - 14, 1988. Central African Republic. Bangui.
  • January 14 - February 8, 1988. Zaire. "Ghost City", Lisala, Bumba, riverboat trip to a village on the Zaire (Congo) River, Kisangani, Ituri Forest to see okapi and a Pygmy village, the Equator (January 31), Goma, Lake Kivu, Bukavo to see mountain gorillas.
  • February 8, 1988. Burundi. Bujumbura.
  • February 9 - 13, 1988. Tanzania. Across Lake Victoria to Mwanza.
  • February 13 - March 8, 1988. Kenya. Masai Mara Game Park, Nairobi, Lake Naivasha, Aberdare Park, Meru Park, climbed Mt. Kenya, Mombasa, Tiwi Beach.
  • March 8 - 13, 1988. Tanzania. Arusha, Nygorongoro Crater, Olduvai Gorge.
  • March 13 - 18, 1988. Kenya.
  • March 18 - 20, 1988. London. Flew from Nairobi to London on Sudan Airlines for $230. Arranged ski trip.
  • March 20 - 27, 1988. Skiing in Italy. Livigno Ski Area, excursion to St. Moritz, Switzerland.
  • March 28 - April 2, 1988. Italy. Bergamo (stored extra gear and skis at Youth Hostel), Milan, Florence, Ancona.
  • April 3 - 14, 1988. Greece. Ferry from Ancona. Corfu, Athens, Crete.
  • April 15 - 16, 1988. Ferry to Israel.
  • April 17, 1988. Israel. Haifa, Tel Aviv.
  • April 18 - 25, 1988. Egypt. Bus to Cairo, Pyramids, Saqqara, Memphis, Luxor, Valley of the Kings and Queens.
  • April 26 - May 8, 1988. Israel. Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Eilat, Masada, Ein Gedi, Nazareth, Sea of Galilee, Golan Heights, Acco, Tel Aviv.
  • May 9-11, 1988. Ferry to Greece.
  • May 11 - 13, 1988. Greece. Parthenon, Delphi, stayed with friends in Athens.
  • May 14, 1988. Flew to United States. Flew Yugoslavian Airlines from Athens to Chicago for $395. Saturday special on Northwest Airlines Chicago to Minneapolis for $99.
  • May 14 - 25, 1988. Minnesota. Dennis' family. Reclaimed the Cessna.
  • May 26 - June 5, 1988. Boundary Waters Canoe Trip with Susan's dad. Northern Minnesota and Ontario.
  • June 7 - 19, 1988. Colorado. Susan's family. Two-day fishing trip with Susan's 89-year-old Grandpa.
  • June 20 - 25, 1988. Flew to Alaska in the Cessna 172. Stopped in Cody, Sun Valley, and Colville. Flew the "trench" through Canada to Liard River and bicycled to hot springs (10 miles from airstrip).
  • June 25, 1988. Home again.

Go on to Hiking the Chilkoot Trail
Source:, ©Susan C. Anthony