Susan C. Anthony

Celebrity Cruise ShipPanama Canal 2009

November 22 - December 7, 2009

Our main experience with cruise ships in the past had been in Prince William Sound, where we never envied the tourists trapped on high. We preferred sailing, anchoring in quiet coves, canoing and hiking meadowy hills.

In 2009, Don and Sherrie arranged for all of us to take a cruise, our first, from Miami to San Diego through the Panama Canal. Life threw them some tragic curve balls and they had to forego the trip. We got some curve balls, too, but less serious. Two of our condo renters gave notice that they would move out November 30, at which time we would be in Costa Rica. Panic! We managed by a hair to get away November 7 to Juneau, then on to Miami November 13 to visit relatives and alligators, and finally to the ship November 22 to travel 5000 miles.

"Did we like cruising?" we were asked. "What's not to like?" was Dennis' response. It was delightful, decadent—a very new and different experience for us. In fact, Dennis preferred staying on the ship to exploring ports of call. Age must be catching up with us.

I put together a few videos to help us remember the trip. We enjoyed it so much we scheduled a 2012 Panama Canal family cruise. 

The music for Alligators is "Under the Double Eagle" by Ned and Rebecca Spurlock, from their album Shady Grove. Used by permission.

The music for the Panama Canal video is "Bonnie Bessie Logan / Loch Lomond (By Yon Bonnie Banks)" by Timothy Seaman, from his album Celtic Airs. Used by permission. Find more Timothy Seaman music at

Go on to read Kayaking the Colorado
Source:, ©Susan C. Anthony