Susan C. Anthony

Baptisms at the Jordan RiverThe Jordan River

The Jordan River flows southward from Mt. Hermon into the Sea of Galilee, and from there into the Dead Sea. It is 165 miles long with a vertical drop of about 2500 feet. 95% of its water is diverted for irrigation, so very little water actually reaches the Dead Sea, which is shrinking rapidly as a consequence.

We stopped at Yardenit, on a kibbutz where the Jordan flows out of the Sea of Galilee and continues south through what is now the West Bank. When we were first there in 1988, this was one of two or three locations that claimed to be where Jesus was baptized. This time, there was a new sign stating that scholars now agree on the site, which is some distance south of this place on the West Bank.

There is no charge to enter Yardenit, and the kibbutz provides baptismal robes for those who wish to be baptized in the river. It was late in the day so we did not take advantage of the opportunity, but later wished we had. We may need to make another trip!

Go on to read about the Mount of Beatitudes
Source:, ©Susan C. Anthony