Susan C. Anthony

Sailboat in Prince William SoundA Month on the Water

July 24 - August 22, 2003

The highlight of the year was time on Prince William Sound. We were out for a full month, and I drank in the peace, solitude, and simplicity. We hunted for a week for Sitka black-tailed deer on Naked Island (no luck). We visited a seal island and sea-lion rookery, saw whales and porpoises, and hiked and canoed to my heart's content. Maybe not quite to my heart's content. I think I could make cruising a permanent, full-time lifestyle, but Dennis likes having a home and a shop.

We took several digital photos and put them together into a movie (below). As usual, we saw a lot that we didn't capture on film!  The music on this video is "Einini" by William Coulter, from the album Celtic Crossing. Used by permission.

The best video footage we've ever seen of Prince William Sound was taken by our friend Bill Rome. He spent 20 years taking photos and video in the Sound before compilng his best images into a film, Prince William Sound UP CLOSE.  Photography is his passion and he's willing to wait for the perfect shot, unlike us. We haven't seen exactly what he's seen, of course, but he did capture on film a lot of what we we've seen out there over the years.

Go on to read Rocking and Rolling in Prince William Sound, 2004
Source:, ©Susan C. Anthony