Susan C. Anthony


If the help you need isn't on this page, please contact Susan by e-mail ( We'll try to help you solve the difficulty. We appreciate ideas and suggestions about how to make this web site more useful to you. Please report any mistakes or bad links you find so we can fix them!

Browser Updates

Browsers may take awhile to download, so it's best to start a download just before leaving the house or going to bed.

PDF Files and Acrobat Reader

Several links in this web site lead to PDF (portable document format) files. In order to view them, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. It is available for free download.

The documents open with the whole page displayed so you can see the layout. If the text is too small to read, change the size of the display by clicking on one of the page icons at the top or by entering a percentage in the bottom left corner.


Videos are embedded YouTube videos but are only available on my site, not on YouTube itself.

Payments / PayPal

In order to make it possible for you to order on-line with a credit card, we use PayPal. This system makes it possible for you to transfer funds securely on line to anyone in PayPal's database, including us. PayPal has robust security and we receive none of your sensitive financial information.

We no longer take credit card orders directly. If you don't want to use PayPal for some reason, we can bill you.

There is no charge to sign up with PayPal. If you have trouble signing up, let us know and we'll help troubleshoot.

Source:, ©Susan C. Anthony